A credit card statement would only show who you paid and how much, not what for. That means you could have done your grocery shopping at the garage for example, so no is the answer. Easier is get a fuel card. I have Morrisons and Esso but there are many others on the market, you then get a detailed invoice showing how many litres, car reg etc and breakdown of VAT. Esso invoice fortnightly and Morrisons monthly.
EDIT: I think UKFuel is national, (most but not all garages) but they may well have a minimum spend requirement
EDIT again! you don't need to keep the receipts if you get invoiced, but I keep mine to cross-check against the invoice before consigning them to the bin. If you don't get invoiced the VAT receipt from the garage is your invoice so yes, you have to keep them all! Added thumbs up for Morrisons, I get about £60-£100 a year in vouchers collected on their "miles" card and they have a website where you can look up the locations of their garages and they are generally cheap.
EDIT: You do NOT need to keep each and every receipt from your fuel card if these are on a detailed, itemised VAT invoice, the invoice can replace them. At this point no payment has been made, these receipts are only a record of the quantity of fuel drawn. We have a total of 5 fuel cards between us, probably about 40 individual receipts per month, which are all itemised on the monthly invoice. Payment is made and this invoice is our VAT and tax receipt, not all the scrappy till slips which I throw in the bin after agreeing the invoice. Our tax office and VAT inspector are quite happy with this.